There a kind of sin that the bible warns us against, and that is the sin against the Holy Spirit. When we carry out blasphemy against the Holy Spirit it is a very punishable act. It is not a sin that God takes lightly. The thought of doing so should be very far away from our minds.
Romans 1:25 - Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
A creature can never be compared to the creator itself. If it wasn't for the Creator the creation would not even exist in the first place. We live in a world today where people have turned the word of God upsidedown. We hear of a lot of doctrines that is not in agreement to God's word. God warns us through the bible about adding to His word or subtracting from His word.
The word of God should be delivered in it's original form. One of the things also contained in God's word that we should adhere to is to worship Him and Him alone. A creature is the property of its creator just as we are properties of God who is our maker. Giving reverence to something or someone else is not right.