Does God allow polygamy? | The Old Path

in MCGI Cares Hive2 days ago

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Topic Review: Does God allow polygamy? | The Old Path

God does not encourage polygamy. In the creation of man, God made a man and a woman, not a man and two women. That's how God wants us to live; that a man engages himself to one woman. We don't do the will of God when we have multiple spouses. The story of Adam and Eve is a clear picture of how God wants our marriage life to be.

It was never in God's intention that we should practice polygamy even though some people in the days of old did so. We see characters in the Bible like David and his son; Solomon, who carried out such a practice. But at the long run, we also see the consequences they faced by the reason of their actions.

The word of God in the Bible tells us of how a man should cling unto a woman and they may become one. He didn't say anything about a man clinging unto women. Marriage is a covenant. When a man marries a woman and is joined with her both physically and spiritually, he has automatically entered a covenant with the woman.

As long as we are human beings, whatever kind of covenant we enter can only be with one person. The only being that is eligible to have the same covenant with different people is God. But for we humans, we can't enter the same covenant with multiple persons, it is against God's will.

So when we are entering into a marriage covenant, it should be done with one person. The only exception is when the person dies; which separates us from the bond we share with them. But as long as the person is alive, we are to maintain such a bond or covenant with just one person.

God's instructions is for us not to walk in such path. However, it is completely up to us to decide to stand by His word or go against it. This is why He made available to us freewill; the ability to decide anything for ourselves.

According to brother Eli, God prescribes but we decide, whatever decision we make, we'll be answerable to God. Many people make decisions that they feel are the best for them but that's not what actually want for them because He knows that it will leave them in regrets in the future.