I find alot of people must believe in nothing.
For one, because they do not know in anything other than there must be "something" by observing.
But who is asking and waiting and paying attention. It may be too often where one will ask a question and then not bother waiting or accepting the reply.
Therefore the answer may not be well perceived.
And what are people looking for? Something in themselves they have witnessed, or perhaps in another, something that offers something of pleasantness?
But what exactly is it they are looking for, and even though they may have the what they are looking for, they may continue to look further seeking resolved mysteries.
Perhaps it is hard to conduct ones attitude to investing into patience and good deeds.
One thing I notice is there is not many who actively sow good deeds into their community or family, or the wolrd in general for that matter, without asking back for it or using it as a post to prop a behavior of narcisism.
It becomes a reason many people are living in inadequate circumstances, they may even have no desire to complete or start good things since they may have nothing to believe in.
Like to me most everyone believes they need food to live, but they are relying on someone else to provide for them food, and often times that person will become indebted to the one serving them.
It makes more sense that people understand to know what food is and where it comes from and how to use it properly, but how many people will actually sow a garden that is large enough to provide efficiently, or how many people will not help in when they see someone struggle to sow a "garden".
And when a person realizes they are starving, and they see they need to sow seeds, what now? do they become impatient and curse towards "god" because the seeds they have sown into the ground a week before are still babies and not large enough to be useful as food?
The world is realizing they are starving much like many exoduses before. but the grass is not green on the other side this time. There was a point where running to enslave and steal from eachother became much to large of a problem and now here we are. Each being scared of the other, each trying to indirectly hurt each other, because they think they are starving and do not know what was already given.
No belief to act on, no belief to form words or to think with.
Simply a belief in ignorance that there must be nothing rather than some form of evilution.
Hmmmm... you've got some things going on in your thoughts.. I'll only say, human will always be human and the element of nature is inherent.. it is well 🙂