in MCGI Cares Hive2 years ago

Hello every one. We have been learning about the words of Christ I Thank God for giving me and other Mcgi members to be part of todays.mass indoctrination. The teaching has been expository, I thank God for using bro Elisoriano who started with the in-dept teaching on the church of God.


Today's teaching I learnt elot on Gods word about the church.We are to practice a religion before practicing it. So we dont get deceived. If something is not in the scripture we should not accept it.Bro Elisoriano also spoke about the righteousness of God. A man must acknowledge the commandments of God. A man must be steadfast and strive the gospel of christ.

Baptism is the first commandment of christ. But we cannot be baptized if we have not studied the doctrines. Those who receive the word are added to the church.joining the church cannot save. Building a church does not mean we are saved. We must be the body. Christ is the head of the body. Partakers of christ through the gospel.

If we receive christ but reject the word that means we reject christ. We must avoid evil and cleave to which is Good. Accepting the church we must also accept his word. It is a commandment.
The church was made to make known the wisdom of God. We should know what is in the bible the church of God. According to the bible those baptized are to join the church of God.

Christ paid a sacrifice for the church with his blood. The people of God are called by his name. Just like men of God. Spirit of God. That which belongs to God is called by his name.
The church is the spiritual body of christ. In the bible it is the church of God not fellowship. Christ loves the church. The church is the instrumental purpose to teach Gods word.


Todays mass indoctrination has impacted my daily life by making me understand that we should pray and tell the holy spirit to come and be with us to guide, teach, direct and make us understand God's words. He also tells us that if any man teaches otherwise and conceal the word of God, he or she shall face judgement.The word of God is our guideline as christians.

Todays mass indoctrination has also been helpful by making me understand
also understood today that we should not allow Buddha teach us because they are not authorized to teach the doctrines and on the other hand if we listen to false doctrines, it has implications too.

Finally I have come to understand that not all churches are the church of God. those who call him by his are created for his glory so he made us for his glory and that’s why we must worship him alone and we must give him alone all the glory for he deserves it.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

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While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

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