in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago


Every creature of God is good. Act 13.39 justification is not from the law of Moses. It's actually from our lord Jesus Christ. It's a pronouncment for us as a Christian to worship God in the beauty of his holiness.
Holiness comes from God commandment because God is holy, God is holiness and beautiful. We don't need to be conform to this world but we need to be transformed.We need to make our self holy and acceptable unto the lord we need to make our body as a living sacrifice.There is beauty in Holiness, we need to be a living sacrifice that is acceptable unto the lord.
How can we Be Holy

  1. we must not be confirmed to the things that is in the world but be renew . We must be opposite to the world
  2. we must use our body as an instrument of rightousness. We must not allow our body to be use as an instrument of sin. When you are giving to the poor you are instrument of God rightousness, when you forgive does who offend you, you are giving your self as an instrument of rightousness and holiness.
    We don't need to be far away from God we need to go back to the ordinance of God.
    It's not a case that God does not answer prayer the problem is that we are far away from God. We need to go back to the ordinance of God so he may hear our prayer.
    natural desterster is been cause by man transgression. there is a need for man to forsake sin and move in the way for rightousness. The first natural disasters happened during the time of Noah.Natural desterster is a wake up call for Christian. It's God that shake the earth because of God anger for man, Sin cause God anger. All this are begging of sorrow Christ as talk about natural desterster and war about 2000 years ago.
    We have to work out our salvation individual. We will answer to God individually, If a father won't answer for the sin of the son so also the son won't answer for the sin of his father everybody will be judge individually according to our work on earth. It's good to give to the poor and needed. It's our finical responsibility as a Christian to support each other finicially. We must not question God he knows how to deal with people at any time at any day.It's wrong to add to his word of God, that be fast to add to what to God word, God knows what he is doing