in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

Hello everyone ones again am happy to be part of today's MCGI CARES live. I thank God for giving me and other Mcgi members to be part of today mcgi cares live. The teaching has been expository, I thank God for using bro Elisoriano and bro Daniel to teach us.


Bro Elisoriano and Bro Daniel started with the in-dept teaching about

God having the power over death and life.

He also went ahead to teach us about helping the elderly and being serious with God.


Firstly I learnt that God can make what is dead alive, he called out what is dead as if it's alive. It's true that there is God it's only God that can bring what that is dead to live. This is a price that God is truly alive. God is truly the owner of live. God truly heal.

Secondly I learnt that God is the rewarder of them that do good things, it's good for us to keep doing God because the good will come back to us. Our God will make God bless us. If we plant evil we will receive evil what so ever we sow we will get it same back.

I also understand that As a Christian it's important to do Good to our brethren in particular people in Christ Jesus.

Today teaching made me understand Natural calamity happen because of man wickedness, God want man to turn back to God.Every time we need to trust in God and we need to do good to one another.

Finally God does not discriminate man no matter their level of education or complexion God want all men to be saved.

Impact of today's MCGI CARES LIVE.

Today teaching made me understand that God allows affliction happen to man so we may turn to I have to walk with the consciousness that I must put God first.And I need to do good because whatever I do comes back to me both good and bad.God does not discriminate we are all his children he looks at our heart.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
