It is a good desire to seek to know how to live one’s life to please God. The best way to live one's life as a single person is to mind the things of God. As a single woman, I should be mindful of how I can serve the Lord. It should be our concern (for those of us who are single) that we should take the things of God more seriously. We should give more time to serving God. We should express love more unto God. We should show more commitment to the service of the kingdom of God.
We should have more time to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are not saved. We should share the testimonies of God with everyone we come across. We should teach our friends and siblings of the doctrines of Jesus Christ. We should help those who don't know, to know of God’s salvation.
We should have more time to pray for our nation and our leaders. We should pray for brethren. We should pray for peace in the world. We should pray for the needy. We should pray for all those that we know need prayers.
We should devote more time to doing good for all men. We should show the love of God by doing good to others.