There are several interpretations of the Bible. Different churches and different people interpret the Bible in many different ways. It is easy to see different interpretations of a particular Bible verse from different people. All these different interpretations bring confusion. This is why the question comes: How can we understand the Bible.
The Bible is the Word of God. It is the only book which God has given us which contains His commandments and His instructions to man. That is why it is referred to as the word of God. It is the mind of God for us. Anyone who wants to do the will of God should check it out in the word of God. The Bible is the book carrying the commandments of God. For us to know what is this will and purpose of God, we must understand the Bible.
The Bible was written by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit inspired the holy prophets of old to write down the instructions and commandments of God which they received. So, we cannot understand the Bible by human wisdom. Human reasoning can't understand what the Bible is saying. We need only the help of the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible. It is the Holy Spirit that can help us to understand the Bible.
The importance of the wisdom of God can't be overemphasized when trying to understand His word contained in the bible
It is true that we can't understand the Bible by our mental reasoning. It's the Holy Spirit who will teach us