Is God Not Punishing Those Misinterpreting The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive2 days ago

There is no offense or sin which God will not punish. There is no way that we will escape the judgement of God if we keep continuing in sin. This is why there is a continuous call that everyone should repent from their sins because God will certainly judge the offenders. He will punish those who continually disobey His commandments.

The punishment for every sin has been stated in the Bible. The Bible tells us what we should do and also warns us of the impending consequences of outrightly disobeying the orders of God. Every soul who sins shall die, that is what the Bible says. It also says that though hand would join with hand, yet the wicked will not go unpunished. There is no escape for the sinners. So, it is wise that we should turn away from our sins.

It will be foolishness from our side to think that God will not punish those who are misinterpreting His word. We should not think that God is not aware of all the atrocities which men are committing. The patience of God is observing whether the sinful will change their ways.


We should avoid sin because God will punish evil doers

That is true