Regaining The Love Of Our Parents. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive7 days ago

We have good advice from Bro Eli Soriano in this video. It is wise that christian children listen to this and follow it. Everything that was wrong, let us make them right. Like the popular saying in my place, let us right our wrongs. Let us correct our wrong doings. Let us turn a new leaf. That is what will make us to regain our parents' love.

We were told that it is our attitude that makes people to reject or accept us. The way we treat our parents is what informed their reaction to us. When we put up characters that are offensive to our parents, they won't like us. When we refuse to respond to the biddings of our parents, they look at us like bad children. So, if we have lost our parents' favor, we should refine our attitude.

The opposite of bad is good. Whatever we do that could make us look bad to our parents, when we do the opposite, we will look good to them. Let us start doing what our parents love.