The world is full of men and women who are evil in their thoughts and actions. They are men with evil imaginations and motives. They are people who have lost human sympathy for others. They are people who are ruled by greed and lust. They are people who have no respect for others’ lives. They are people who defraud and inflict undue afflictions on others. These men do not have the image of God. They are having the image of the devil.
The reflections of bad things that we are experiencing in the world today is because people have taken upon themselves to follow the devil. They now possess the devilish nature. They are corrupt and they have no fear of God.
The image of God which we were created with is of righteousness. We should be holy. We should do good to all men. Sin is not the image of God. Sin comes from the devil. When we give ourselves the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our hearts, then we will be able to bring forth what is the good nature of God in us.