What Makes A True Disciple 2. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW

in MCGI Cares Hive2 days ago

We all are the disciples of Jesus Christ. We are his disciples if we have accepted his doctrines and follow them. We are his if we follow his voice like the sheep follows the shepherd. He is our Shepherd; we are his sheep. Those who don't follow his doctrines are not his sheep. Everyone who accepts the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ is a disciple.

The disciples of Jesus Christ are not only the 12 apostles. The 12 apostles were the pioneer who first receive the message from our Lord and Master. They were with him and they're the witnesses to the many works which He has done. There were eye witnesses of his majestic glory. They were those who touched him and handled him. The were those who passed the message to us with strong affirmation.

We are also the disciples. Even though we are those who might not have seen Him face to face, we are still His disciples. Everyone who truly accepts the doctrines of Jesus Christ and believe in His Word is His disciple.