The first question of the exposition: was there any creature before Adam and Eve, because the book of Genesis tells us that Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. After Cain kills Abel and settles in the land of Nod, we read that “Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch” (Gen 4:17). But where did Cain’s wife come from?
Personally I also had such question at heart but I believed that Cain killed Abel, Adam and Eve would have had other children whom would have spread past the region they were resident. And Cain could have probably married one of his own sisters I also was of the opinion that in the early days of humanity, marriage between brothers and sisters was both necessary and genetically safe.
But Bro Eli now responded to the question by saying that first of us we shouldn’t even entertain any fact that there were people created before Adam and Eve. Though there were other creature like the Angels, animals etc. but no man was created before Adam and Eve. Luke 20 vs 36 also refers to the Angels as son of God.
Malachi 2v15 from one couple came a godly seed, in the bible the first man was created and there was no pre- Adamic race. Gen 2vs 7-8 man was created from the earth crust as against the scientist theory that man evolve from apes. Eve was the mother of all.
Bro Eli further described the Eden as a place (country) while the Garden is a location in Eden. So Adam and Eve actually left the Garden and not Eden. Now Gen 4 vs 16 made us understand that Cain left the presence of the LORD and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. Meaning that he was still resident in the eastern part of Eden. The bible recorded that Cain knew his wife; the Hebrew or Greek word for now is Yaw-dah which mean to acknowledge, acquaintance.
In conclusion of the first question, I would say that Bro Eli didn’t answer the question to my conviction. However I won’t premeditate that there is a pre- Adamic race. And hope that when I get to Heaven, I would have full understanding of area that weren’t recorded in the bible.The second question: how is it that man desires to go to Heaven but afraid to die?
I use know that Death is a passage to life in eternity either Heaven or Hell but a lot of people don’t want to die probably because they are not sure of where they may be going in there life beyond.
Bro Eli wasn’t specific about the answer but says those who died in the days of Noah did not go to Heaven but went to prison and that where Jesus when he died so that they could also receive the salvation 1 pet 3 vs 18.Another question says if you are learning doctrine and you didn’t finish the doctrine when you die, would you go to heaven?
Bro Eli response: James 4vs17 if you know the doctrine and you didn’t do them, it is a sin. He said that since you are not baptized, you have not received the Holy Spirt jn 14 vs 26 eph 1 vs 13
Rom 8 vs 26 made us understand that the Holy Spirit helps our weakness. He advised that he should try and finish the doctrine.Where is God especially when it the world is going through crisis Heb 8 vs 1 .
Bro Eli said he cannot describe completely what happen to God and Christ. But that Christ is in Heaven doesn’t mean is not doing anything. He is always offering sacrifice of supplication and prayers in heaven on behalf of the believers. Heb 13 vs 15, 1 tim 2vs 5 Christ is described as the mediator between God and Man. Christ is also sitting at the right hand of God pulling down our enemy (Heb 1 vs 13). The work of Christ is to offer salvation to men to obtain eternal life (Jn 17 vs 2. Mt 28 vs 17-18). I learnt that the Lord Jesus is working so that we would be close to the Doctrine.
I learnt that Jesus has power over the earth but he manages affairs of the Heavens, He is the administrator of the Angels- cherubim and Seraphim. Christ instruct the Angels; the angels are ministering for them who are heirs of salvation.
The roles of Jesus Christ goes as far as sending preachers to where and when necessary, sends Angels to saves us from accidents, evil or any form of destruction. God daily loaded us with all benefit like providing food, shelter etc. Act 17 vs 26.
In conclusion a lot was learnt. But I really wish to understand Bro Eli’s definition of Doctrine..
God bless you.
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