Yes am here again today with the word the Divine Command. Jonah 1;2, "arise go to Nineveh that great city cry against it, for their for their wickedness is come up before me."
Brethren before I go into the word I have a view question to ask? What is your purpose on Earth? Have you you discovered your purpose on Earth?
Let talk about Jonah. Jonah was a prophet of God in Israel, who lived about the time of Jeroboam II in the Northern Kingdom, and King Uzziah in the southern kingdom. He was commissioned to Assyria whose capital city was Nineveh, the then rising world power. They were Isreal's enemy. Jonah went with great reluctant in his heart to deliver God's message of mercy Nineveh due to unflinching nationalism. Jonah's patriotism is hinged on his hatred toward Assyria, decided to escape, fearing that God may show mercy upon Nineveh should they repent. He decided to flee to Tarshish through Joppa.
Brethren we are saved to serve. In our service, we are to deliver men out of the paws of the wicked and introduce to the marvelous light of God. This is the basis of our salvation call(mark 16;15). Permit me to say, We may excell in every other aspects of our endeavors, be it spiritual or otherwise, but if we fail in this one assignment of preaching Christ, all our other successes are like sounding brass and thinking cymbals.
Ok let go back to Jonah's commission Jonah 1;1_2.
Jonah was divinely commissioned to go and preach a message of an impending judgement to the inhabitants of Nineveh. God gave Him only one message, "go warn the wicked"(1;2). God does not punish any individual except he had persistently refused God's warning (prov.29;1). The wickedness of Nineveh had come before God, thus, he sent a prophet to pass a warning and to call them to repentance.
My brothers and sisters in this same vein The Lord Jesus has commissioned all born again believers to preach the gospel of peace and salvation to the world of wickedness. The gospel is meant for every mankind without exemption; the rich, the poor, the young, the old etc. The message is simple; the kingdom of God is at hand . Let us tell the world about the love of God. This is our one commission from God; we can not afford to disappoint him.
Jonah's response; Jonah 1;3-10
"Witther shall I go from your spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?" (Psm139;7). Jonah deliberately decided to flee from his prophetic responsibility, and not actually from God; he knew fully well that no one could escape the presence of God. He found a ship that was bound to Tarshish and paid the fare; he went downward. The way of disobedience and sin is always downward to the pit of sorrow. His resentment was based on selfish prejudice against their enemies. He preferred the loss of his life to the salvation of Nineveh. He wanted Israel to live Nineveh to perish.
God cares so much for the salvation of the gentile as much as he cares for that of the Jews;for he sent Jesus to bear the sins of whole world (matt.1;21; John 1;27-36). God is not limited to the Jews or believers only, but for the Jews and the Greeks, the saints and the sinners. Jesus came to fulfill the law; he requests his followers to love their enemies and sincerely pray for them. Do good to them that hate you and despitefully use you. What is your response to God's commission?..... He that winneth souls is wise"(prov.12;30).
Jonah's chatisement ; Jonah 1;11-17
God's judgement on Jonah was inevitable. For his disobedience, he troubled the whole lot of people sailing to Tarshish. At times, like Achan and Ahab, we trouble our families, friends and love ones because of our disobedience (Josh. 7;25; 1king 18;17-18). Whenever we disobey God we make things around us to standstill. Disobedience brings chastisement of God on the Jonah was to show that he was still very much loved by God . It is he who God loves that he chastises.
Finally brethren, always sing this song( here am I send me) it means you are ready to go whenever God want to send you. Let preach the word of God has he commanded us to do.
All thanks to Almighty God for the wisdom he bestowed on my husband to teach me his word, all thanks to hiveblock for the opportunity to share God's word. God bless you all. Love you.
Still remains@suzilove.