in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago

Mass Indoctrination Day 12
Thank you Jesus for the gift of life. All thanksgiving and adoration be ascribed unto your holy name.
Today I learnt that the most important desire a true Christians should have is the desires for the will of God. Naturally the heart desires earthly things just like a man wanting to have a family and a child whom only wants to make friends and play. We should know that the things of God is more important than any earthly desires we seek. To desire to know the word of God comes first before any earthly want in life. People who desires the things of God are rare because inherently man desires to have a big house, get married and become very rich.
Colossians 3:2 I understood that as Christians we should show desires on things that are above and not on things of the earth.

As true Christians we should endeavor to learn the doctrines of God, we should not be too busy for the things of God. Our primary duty in life is to seek the will of God before any other thing. We should make out time to study the doctrines of God by seeking his kingdom. God made man to dwell on the face of the earth and that we should seek our Creator. God is not far from us when we seek him, but when we distance ourselves from God then God will be far from us. We should allow God into our lives and desire to do his will.

Also today I learnt about the multi races scattered all over the world and which ever race we belong to God has a commandment for us to seek him. When we seek God he will definitely find us. We have an obligation to seek God and draw closer to him. Having the desires to do the will of God is the primary obligation which comes first before any earthly desires of life.

I also learnt that when we try to draw closer to God, the devil might come to fight us. We should know that two things exist on earth which is the good or bad. When we try to do good the devil will try to hinder us from doing it. This is why we should be closer to God in order for us to overcome such temptations.

Lessons from today's mass indoctrination

  1. Today I learnt that we have a primary obligation to desire the will of God. We should desire to be hearer's and doer's of the will of God. When we draw closer to God, he will definitely draw closer to us. Naturally the heart of man desires earthly things but as true Christians we should seek the things of God.

  2. Also today I learnt that we should be like seeds which grows on the good ground. This is a sign of spiritual growth between us and God. We should not be like the seeds on the roadside, stony place or that of the thorns. This is a parable of God, and this seeds is the word of God, and those on the road side will be distracted by the devil because Satan is always on the road. Those on the rock are those who hear and receive the word of God without a root and in temptation gets withered. Those among Thorn's bring no fruit to perfection though they have heard and received the word of God.


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.