I bless your name Father for yet another day to worship in your gathering and wisdom. All thanksgiving be unto your holy name father.
Today we started by talking about a peculiar character of man that is likened to Christ which is humbleness and humility. Humility goes along with humbleness and this brings about selflessness and kindness to people. Some research even said that it is easier to relate with people that are humble. Humbleness brings about the quality of leadership, it removes anxiety and lot's more. There are many advantage of being humble.
In the Bible God talked about humility.
Mathew 5:3 I learnt that God will always bless those who are humble. This is one of the doctrines written in the Bible and as Christians we are to emulate humility.
What is humility? According to the apostles, I learnt that humility brings about blessings from God. We should not be boast about our capabilities, or be a torn to the flesh of your fellow brethren. We should help our brethren and emulate the spirit of humility.
Christ is the primary example of humility and he wants us to come until him for he will give us rest. A humble heart has the spirit if forgiveness, and love. The primary doctrine taught by Christ is humility and when we emulate the spirit of humility we become Christ like. We should always have the spirit to forgive our fellow brethren when they sin against us. This is what Christ is wanting us to do, being humble will bring exaltation by God. If we are humble and cannot forgive our fellow brethren then we are going contrary to the spirit of humility. We should also humble ourselves to accept a fault when we are wrong, also humility comes with the spirit of giving, endurance and love. This is because our father is of lowly heart and will always forgive us when we sin.
Lessons from today's mcgi care live
Today I learnt about the need for us as true Christians to emulate the spirit of humility and humbleness. This character is a primary teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and being humble will make us Christ like. Humility and humbleness will bring about unmeasurable blessings from God.
Also today we talked about the qualities that humility and humbleness brings out of us, which are the spirit of leadership, and also the spirit of forgiveness. If we are humble then we would easily forgive our fellow brethren when they sin against us. Humility and humbleness also brings out the quality and spirit of love and giving to the less privileged. We are Christ workmanship and we are created in Christ imagine, for the sole purpose of doing good to our fellow brethren.
Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.
MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.