How Did Adam Commit Sin?

In Genesis 2:16-17 God said,

The LORD God commanded the man, saying “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.

It was an express command, clear and concise, it was the only rule they had to obey, but Adam and Eve chose not to obey. And as they swallowed the fruit, sin and death would swallow the human race. The issue of Adam and eve wasn't just about eating the fruit but about not trusting God who gave them everything . Afterall there were so many trees out there in the garden of Eden to eat from but obviously they trusted a serpent more than they trusted their Creator.

Adam sinned by disobeying God.
And the serpent lied to Eve that they would become like God when their eyes were opened. I wonder why they wanted to be like God, could it be that they didn't want to serve Him anymore, maybe they were tired of tending the garden or maybe they craved to be equal to their Maker.They also had doubts about God, that could be the reason, they quickly believed a talking snake over their God.

Genesis 3:4-5;

You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

This was the disobedience that swallowed the human race but thank God for His Son Jesus Christ, who came to make things right again.

Thank you for your continuous support 🙏


this is good review christians should obey God every time

Yes, thank you very much 🙏

Eating apples is not a sin. Adam disobeyed God's commandments

Yes you are right!