There is so much pressure on the singles in our world today, the temptation to indulge in sexual immorality is so strong that one can liken it to a hurricane, which leaves destruction and mayhem in its wake. Highly accessible sexual content everywhere on the internet and the failure/inability of parents and wards to inculcate core christian values into their dependents makes it worse.This raises the stakes so high that the consequences of such an act cannot be overemphasized, no no.
Every child of light is ruled by biblical precepts and principles which is the mind of God for us, and even when the world is screaming so loud, the Word of God has the ability to tune it out and keep us safe.
1 Cor. 7:1-2
1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.
2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
The word "fornication" in the King James Version refers to any sexual activity outside the marriage covenant, such is viewed as a sin in Christian belief, because it is joining the body of Christ in a way that is inappropriate and outside of God’s command.
This is the mind of God!
any sexual conduct or contact before marriage or outside of marriage is sin. God has designed sex to be within marriage to avoid the temptation of immorality.
We should not allow the "everyone is doing it" syndrome taint our view of what the Bible truly teaches;
Bro Eli Soriano understands that the Christian life is one of practicing the fruit of the Spirit, a life of self control and a life of growing in the grace to discipline our flesh. So we must choose holiness over sin and have our passions and appetites under due control.
This is the mind of God!
Thank you for your continuous support 🙏
I agree with the pressures the youths have to go through, "everyone is doing it, so why not". In a very permissive World as ours, the Word of God is just what we need, all the way!
We don't follow the crowd, we have our own identity.
Thank you very much 🙏.
Obeying God's commandments is not optional. We should avoid fornication
You are so right!
Thank you very much 🙏
When we choose holiness over sin we will not be moved by what the crowd are doing
Holiness is the key!
Thank you very much 🙏
It is not good in any way for christians to be sleeping together with themselves. We should discipline ourselves to ignore any pleasure that does not glorify God.
Discipline entails self control.
Thank you very much 🙏
Fornication is a sin. When people who are not married sleep together, they're commiting sin.
Exactly my friend!
Thank you very much 🙏
I know a lot of people are now practicing sex before marriage which is against the will of God
It’s better to wait till one gets married
That’s what God wants
You are right! Thank you very much 🙏
Sleeping together before marriage is sinful. Let christian brethren stop doing that
You are right!
Thank you very much 🙏
sleeping together before marriage is not good in the eyes of God
Not at all, God abhors it.
Thank you very much 🙏