Bible readings: Matthew 6:7-8Phillipians 4:6, Matthew 15:37, 1 Timothy 4:4-5, Luke 18:17, 1 Thessalonians 15:17, 2 Timothy 1:3, Ecclesiastes 5:2
The mass indoctrination program opens us up to the true doctrines of our Lord Jesus Christ. In our world today, is not everyone who claims to be a servant of God that is a genuine one. The bible didn't leave us in the dark concerning false prophets that deceive people with false teachings. It is easy to fall for these fake ministers of God if we are not careful.
We here of different teachings nowadays and different doctrines. If whatever doctrine we hear doesn't correlate with that that of Christ we should refrain from them and those who teach it.
1 Timothy 1:3 - As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine
Apostle Paul was taught no other doctrine than that if Christ and he made sure that his people did the same. Every servant of God should be only concerned about teaching the word of God without any subtraction or addition. We should be extremely careful as to not getting deceived by false teachings.
The word of God is the perfect manual that is needed by us in order to enable us how to function properly on earth. Without the word of God and the knowledge contained in it we are most likely to end up on the wrong path. Have a blessed day.