It is part of Obligations as christians to look into the welfare of our brethren. That is what the Bible says. That is what the doctrines of Jesus Christ teach. Even in the Old Testament, God taught the children of Israel to care for others. They were asked by God to share what they have with those who are in need. We cannot say that we are not responsible for others’ welfare, we are!
How can we say that we have the love of God in us? How can we show forth the love that we have? We should be responsible for the welfare of others. We should happily help those in need. We should be the help to others.
As christians, we are the hands to those who do not have hands. We are the eyes to those who have no eyes. That means that we have a responsibility to help those who are helpless. We should carry those who cannot carry themselves. We should feed those who cannot feed themselves.
We cannot say that we are the disciples of Jesus Christ when we shoot out our bowels of mercy from those who are in need. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we must be caring. We must show concern for those in need.
It is our duty as Christians to care for one another.