in MCGI Cares Hive10 days ago

The journey of Christianity requires that we obey the doctrines of Jesus Christ. God sent our Lord Jesus Christ to show us the way to God. Jesus says that no one can get to the father except through Him. There is no other way to salvation outside Jesus Christ. There is no other name given among men whereby we might be saved. Jesus Christ is the one who shows us the way of salvation.

The obey God, we must accept and follow the doctrines of Jesus Christ which he gave unto us. We must obey every of the doctrines of Jesus Christ. We cannot be true followers and disciples when we do not obey all the commandments of God. If we obey some parts and neglect some parts, we will still be counted as disobedient.

The doctrine of baptism is one of the doctrines of Jesus Christ that we must obey. We accept baptism if we want to truly follow the teachings of God. Baptism is a very important part of the doctrines of the church that men should not neglect. We must obey this doctrine.

Everyone who wants to join the church must be baptized. Bro Eli Soriano explained to us that we should be mindful of who we receive baptism from. We must be baptized by someone who truly obeys the doctrines of Jesus Christ and teaches the same.


Let us not be deceived, baptism is very important