Forgiveness Of Sin. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive10 days ago

The matter of sin is what we should not play with. Why? Because God hates sin. God hates sin and every man living on the surface of the earth must know that. God does not like sin. It was sin that pursued man from the garden of abundance which God planted for him.

God created man in own image. The image of God which God created man of is that of righteousness and holiness. God is a holy God. God is a righteous God. God wants us to be holy and righteous. We were created to be a people which God would delight in. Sin makes us detestful to God.

Any soul who sin shall die. The Bible says so, that any soul who sin shall die. Sinners shall have their portion in the lake that burns with brimstone. Let us run away from sin. Let us repent from all our sins. Let us serve God with righteousness and holiness.

We are to forgive those who sin against us. We must forgive and forget. We should not bear anyone’s offense. We should always forgive others.

Those we offend, we should confess and seek forgiveness. Those who offend us and confess, we should forgive. The Lord Jesus Christ told us that we should forgive always when he answered Peter that we should forgive 70×7 times in a day.