God has nothing in common with idols. Idols are gods of darkness. Our God is the God of light. He is the God who created all (both spirits and flesh). He created the heavens and the earth. Till today we all know that He is the One who controls everything in the world. Those who choose to ignore Him only choose to do so at their own detriment. We are the worshippers of the true God.
Like Jesus Christ said, there are many people in the world who worship what they do not know. They bow for the gods of the heathen. They make their gods with their own hands. How can someone form or carve an image and then claim that that is the god who created him? You and your God who created who?
God cannot listen to idol worshippers because they are rebellious. They are those who have refused to obey the commandments of God. They choose for themselves a god so that they will not obey the laws of the true God. The true God is the God who created the entire universe. He is the God of gods. He is the King of kings.