in MCGI Cares Hive4 days ago

I want to go to heaven. I believe that you too want to go to heaven. Anyone who is not going to heaven will definitely get to hell. Hell is not a favourable please to be.

Those who are sinners will not be in the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is meant for those who have accepted Jesus Christ and obey His doctrines. We should not reject the teachings of Jesus Christ if we want to be in heaven.

Heaven is a home prepared for those who are the true followers of Jesus Christ. Those who are obedient to the doctrines of Jesus Christ are those who can make it to heaven. Everyone who believes in Jesus Christ and obeys the doctrines of Jesus Christ is going to heaven.

The only way to heaven is through our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Way to God. No man can get to God without passing through the way which is Jesus Christ. Let us follow Jesus Christ and obey the commandments of God. When we obey the commandments of God, we will be going to heaven.