There are several kinds of beliefs in the world. One of such beliefs is the believe in ancestors. There are people who believe in their ancestors. There practice rituals of listening to spirits. There practice how to invoke the spirits of their ancestors and listen to them. Such a belief is wrong. It is wrong to listen to ancestors and believe them.
Instead of believing our ancestors, we should believe in God. The Bible teaches us the truth. When we listen to the doctrines of the Bible, we will receive the truth. The Bible teaches us the Word of God. The Lord Jesus Christ came down from heaven to teach us the way of God. Let us not listen to our ancestors. Let us listen to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Teacher which God sent from heaven to come and teach us the way of God. Jesus Christ is the one who has the truth from God. When we listen to other things like our ancestors, we will not know what the truth is. When we listen to the doctrines of Jesus Christ, we will know the truth.