Cuida lo que te dio el padre(Esp/Ing)

Cuida lo que te dio el padre
Cierta joven cita, al cumplir sus 15 años, el padre le regalo un anillo, que pudo comprar con sus ahorros, púes la familia no estaba bien económicamente. Este anillo no era de un metal valioso, pero su hermosura era deslumbrante. A la niña le gustó mucho, y no se lo quitaba del dedo. Pasaron los años y a su padre, le tocó partir con el señor.

Take care of what your father gave you
A certain young date, on her 15th birthday, was given a ring by her father, which she was able to buy with her savings, since the family was not well off financially. This ring was not made of valuable metal, but its beauty was dazzling. The girl liked it very much, and would not take it off her finger. Years went by and her father had to leave with his father.

Ese día en medio de tristeza y llanto recordaba todos los momentos junto a su papá y miró el dedo, donde ya no estaba el anillo. Recordó también lo que el, le dijo, cuidalo porque con gran sacrifio lo he comprado.
A la mañana siguiente se dispuso a buscar el anillo, más no lo encontraba, y le preguntó a su madre, ella respondiendo, le dijo, aquí está, tu papá lo recogió del suelo me lo dio un día y me dijo guardalo para cuando a ella le recuerde mi presencia.

That day, in the midst of sadness and tears, she remembered all the moments with her father and looked at her finger, where the ring was no longer there. She also remembered what he told her, "Take care of it because I bought it with great sacrifice.
The next morning he set out to look for the ring, but he could not find it, and he asked his mother, and she answered and said, "Here it is, your father picked it up from the ground and gave it to me one day and told me to keep it for when she remembers my presence.

Asi es el amor de Dios para con sus hijos, nos da vida eterna y precio de sangre, nos perdona y hecha nuestros pecados al mar y nunca más se acuerda de ellos, nos bendice, proteje y suple conforme a su voluntad divina, nos libra de toda asechansas del maligno y nos da la victoria, así es el amor de Dios.
Estusios de hombres científicos afirman que el cerebro humano ha evolucionado naturalmente para concentrarse en lo negativo e ignora aquello que nos da felicidad.
En estos tiempos el mundo sufre de una crisis económica que repercute en nuestra salud; comienza en estrés y termina en enfermedades porque el hombre pone sus pensamientos en lo negativo, pero como hijos de Dios sabemos que nos dará conforme a sus riquezas en gloria en Cristo Jesús. Renueva tu mente, cambia tus pensamientos, no mires la situación mira al padre, Ocupate de los asuntos del padre y el se ocupará de tus necesidades, cuida lo que ha dado el padre, tu matrimonio, tus hijos, tu ministerio, crece en lo espiritual, teniendo tiempo en meditar la palabra, en derramar tu corazón al padre, orar con fe creyendo de que le hay, por qué así como se crea en de, Él hará. Deja que Dios tome el control de tu vida.

Such is the love of God for his children, he gives us eternal life and the price of blood, he forgives us and casts our sins into the sea and never remembers them again, he blesses us, protects us and supplies us according to his divine will, he delivers us from all the wiles of the evil one and gives us the victory, such is the love of God.
Scientific men's studies affirm that the human brain has evolved naturally to concentrate on the negative and ignores that which gives us happiness.
In these times the world suffers from an economic crisis that affects our
health; it begins in stress and ends in sickness because man puts his thoughts in the negative, but as children of God we know that he will give us according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Renew your mind, change your thoughts, don't look at the situation look at the father, take care of the father's business and he will take care of your needs, take care of what the father has given, your marriage, your children, your ministry, grow spiritually, take time to meditate on the word, pour out your heart to the father, pray with faith believing that he is there, because as you believe in him, he will do. Let God take control of your life.


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