La palabra dice en Lucas 11: 9
y yo os digo: Pedid y se os dará ; buscad y hallaréis; llamad, y se os abrirá. Estamos concientes de que nos escucha? , concientes de que El responde?, pero sabes tú como debes pedir al padre? Y para responder a esta pregunta vamos reflexionar en varios pasajes de la biblia.
En 1 Samuel 1 se relata de una familia, un hombre llamado Elcana tenia dos mujeres Penina y Ana. Penina era fertil y le dio hijos hembras y varones a su marido, mas Ana era estéril, y cuando subia el cana con toda la familia a llevar la ofrenda al templo Penina avergonsaba a Ana de ser esteril, porque en aquellos tiempos era una vergüenza ser esteril. Cierta vez después de comer y beber Ana en Silo fue al templo y dispuso su corazón a orar, si leemos las escrituras, esta oracion fue con amargura de alma y lloro abundantemente, pidiendo a Dios por este hijo que ella deceaba e hizo voto a Dios. En este pasaje vemos como Ana oro delante de Dios, ella se humillo desgaro su alma y hizo un voto, un compromiso a Dios, le pidio que si Él se dignare, si queria. Humillada hasta perder las fuerzas, doblegando su carne ante la presencia del todopoderoso, creyendo que Dios podia cambiar su situación y así el señor lo hizo.
Podemos ver que Ana no ayuno, ella dispuso su corazón en humildad, con llanto, ruegos y voto delante de Dios y el señor la escucho. En ocaciones le pedimos a Dios y no recibimos respuesta, ayunamos y tampoco pasa nada, tenemos que darnos cuenta que no es lo que hagas sino la forma de como lo hagas, porque si ayunamos y no provocamos la presencia de Dios, solo estamos pasando hambre, porque en el plano espiritual no ocurre nada, sino disponemos nuestro corazón quebrantado, sino lo enamoramos y reconocemos su majestad, que estamos haciendo. Le pidimos y le mandamos.
Ella cumplio con lo prometido e
hizo un cantico a Dios, donde expresa que no multipliques palabras de grandeza, ni altanera, ni arrogantes, porque Dios todo lo sabe y de Él, el pasar las acciones. Quien lo puede engañar? Le pedimos sí, pero no ha nuestra voluntad sino a la suya, porque solo el sabe lo que nos conviene, te damos gracias señor YOU ASK HIM OR COMMAND HIM( ESP/ING)
The word says in Luke 11: 9
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Are we aware that He hears us? We are aware that He answers, but do you know how you should ask the Father?And to answer this question we are going to reflect on several passages of the Bible.
In 1 Samuel 1 it tells of a family, a man named Elkanah had two wives, Peninnah and Hannah. Penina was fertile and bore her husband both male and female children, but Hannah was sterile, and when he went up with the whole family to take the offering to the temple, Penina shamed Hannah for being sterile, because in those times it was a shame to be sterile. One day after eating and drinking Hannah went to the temple in Shiloh and disposed her heart to pray, if we read the scriptures, this prayer was with bitterness of soul and she wept abundantly, asking God for this son that she wanted and made a vow to God. In this passage we see how Hannah prayed before God, she humbled herself, she tore her soul and made a vow, a commitment to God, she asked Him if He would deign, if He wanted. She humbled herself until she lost her strength, bending her flesh before the presence of the Almighty, believing that God could change her situation and so the Lord did.
We can see that Hannah did not fast, she disposed her heart in humility, with tears, prayers and vows before God and the Lord listened to her. Sometimes we ask God and receive no answer, we fast and nothing happens, we have to realize that it is not what you do but the way you do it, because if we fast and do not provoke the presence of God, we are just starving, because on the spiritual plane nothing happens, but we dispose our broken heart, but we love him and recognize his majesty, what are we doing. We ask Him and we command Him.
She fulfilled her promise and
She made a canticle to God, where she expresses not to multiply words of greatness, nor haughty, nor arrogant, because God knows everything and from Him, the actions happen. Who can deceive Him? We ask him yes, but not to our will but to his will, because only he knows what is good for us, we thank you Lord.
Fotos tomadas de pinteres. Traductor Deepl.