
Title : Stick to the source
We are the swamps He is the vile, no one who moves away from the source will be able to remain in Him.
How many uncertainties, doubts, pre-occupations, problems, illnesses, sadness, depression, deceit, lack of love, betrayals, how many sufferings man undergoes. How many anguish, temptations the master suffered, but he did not sin, and you know why; because his purpose was clear, his mind in the objective, his heart in love and in others and his will in the will of the father. And it is this that helped him to persevere and to fight against everything that arose against God's plan.
So should we be, not to think of ourselves but of the one who gave his life to save us from sin, to be thankful for all that he did and makes our lives, to value his incomparable love and to try every day to be better in the love of Christ. What we do, what we lack, how we act, what we show.
These are questions that help us to self-criticism and spiritual growth and maturity. May everything in our life revolve around God's will.
Stick to the source and only then, you will have strength. The word says in Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait for the LORD shall have new strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
These leafy trees near the water, makes me reflect on the elders, on those whose hair is white and in their mind have a whole experience with God, listen to them and do according to their advice. The word says that in the multitude of counsels is wisdom and this is what this generation needs, wisdom and not for its own opinion, nor for the development of science but for the dedication and love in doing each thing, because without love everything is vanity, whatever we do without love everything is vanity. That is why I exhort you, stick to the source to renew your strength, to change your actions, to make your world a better place. Seek the father, the son, the Holy Spirit, this is the source of your strength.

foto tomada desde mi celular Hawei y6.


Thanks my friends