Take it by the handle
Word of wisdom and edification
We all know that the mango is a fruit of very rich flavor, pleasant smell and striking color that gives us vitamins and minerals. But it is not this fruit that I am referring to, neither am I referring to that object that we should take by the handle whether it is a knife, machete, axe, which are sharp instruments that if we do not hold it well can damage us and make a wound either light or deep. And if we realize when we grab it by the handle it is you who direct it and you must know how and what to use it for. The word says in proverbs 29: 15 The rod of discipline imparts wisdom, but a spoiled son shames his mother.
The word speaks for itself to every son who is not corrected, for he will not learn to be prudent, diligent and much less acquire wisdom. The word of God says that in the multitude of counsels is wisdom and God does not refer to the advice of a friend who will tell you according to his little experience or perhaps to please him does not tell the truth, there is no greater advice than that of a father guided by the word of God. We know that when our children come of age, they want to experience new things, to have freedom, as they say to go out under mommy's saya, as parents we must be attentive.
But as parents always guide them in the will of God, as: through prayer, and giving them words of God, having quality time of life with them, listening to their doubts, concerns, projects and desires. Encouraging them, praising what they do well, highlighting their qualities. Model for them in a way of life, because it is not achieved with words, it is learned with deeds and being children of God is a model of life.
Sometimes we know how to do things but we do not do it well and for our children fathers and mothers we must declare the promises that God has given us, so that this blessing comes into their lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ because God does not fail and he hears our prayers, cry out to me and I will answer you says the word, then we cry out to the great I AM.

Foto tomada de mi móvil Hawei y6.