Feelings and Emotions, which are which?

Feelings are not what the public teaches people they are.
Feelings are a form of communication!
"What do you feel?" is a profound question.
The super-conscious mind is communicating feelings with the conscious mind. People call this communication "intuition", and other incorrect words and names.
Intuition and feelings are not the same.
Only feelings are feelings! It is what it is.
"Intuition" is a public deception word to deceive the conscious mind from knowing self, perpetuating the false illusion that self or the spirit "You have" is somewhere "out there."
You don't have a spirit.
The spirit you are has a conscious mind!

All You think is "out there" is also "in here, now."
As within, so without.
It is from within who you are, you create all You experience the illusion re-ality You are without.
Emotions are conscious thought directed energy motions.
In truth, you always have full control over what emotions you are authorizing your conscious mind to manifest and experience.
People say "I feel sad."
Sad is not a feeling, that is an emotion you have control over.
People say "I feel happy."
Happy is not a feeling, that is an emotion you have control over.
"I feel this post is revealing truth!" That is a feeling!
Feelings are divine spiritual communication forms we experience!
You are the authority to create all emotions you desire to experience always, by your will.
I have freedom of will and the conscious mind has freedom of choice.
Do this now, if you will:
Speak as the authority you are to create what you will...
Know that the emotion you will to experience,
you are going to experience it as you will to, now!
Breathe, relax, and then...
Speak: "I will being joyful, now!"
Now, experience being joyful and your creative authority!
"I will being loving, joyful and grateful, for always, now!"
Speak what you will to experience and experience manifesting what you will! Listen to what you feel you should will and choose doing as you know You should! You are the authority.