There are no accidents, there is always purpose!

What is an accident? Is it basically an unfortunate form of luck?
There is no luck, in truth! There are no accidents, in truth.
Regardless of conscious thought awareness,
all there is, there is purpose for!
All which is without purpose ceases to exist.
The ultimate purpose for all we experience, without, through Our physical experiences... is to guide the conscious mind to re-membrance, unity, with self, superconscious mind.
There is no fear, in truth, all is of love.
There is no adversity, in truth, all is opportunity!
All happening happens at the perfect moment for You, which is now.
You are precisely when and where You should be on Your ultimate journey of self-re-membrance, christ consciousness.
The dual-minded conscious mind is trapped in the illusion, polarity duality, of it's own thoughts, by it's own choice. And the opportunity for unity of self and being single-minded, one, as the love we all are, is always present.
There is a system and formula to all there is!
Nothing is without a system and formula.
"Why did this traumatic and undesirable experience happen to me?"
It didn't, in truth. It happened for you!
You now have the opportunity to let go of what You thought You knew regarding that undesirable or traumatic experience and enter Silent Thought Concentration and ask self what to do in order to let go of the beliefs and the past which does not serve You and ask self to reprogram the sub-conscious mind with truth and from the love we are to experience your perfect now, now.
If you will this to be, it is done, and your journey begins flowing instantly to where you know it is!

Ask and it shall be given to you.
Seek and you shall find!

It is not a matter of if You will re-member,
it is a matter of when.

Have You been truly seeking truth or
were You seeking information?
Did You find what You were asking for?

I know this is not easy to simply take action on and succeed without more guidance. If you feel to,
Comment asking for more guidance, then You shall receive!