Her last name is "kachingwe" like $KACHING way haha that way haha Zimbabwe World Princess. African Queen of @telokanda and @telosnetwork @tinashe book look it up. Steemit user named tinashe sent me a book years ago hahaha from Zimbabwe haha a book dedicated to @dan and @ned hahaha it had a post from @fyrstikken in it haha
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Ok, that's my book I coauthored it! lol
yes! @tytran gave it to me! it is an UINCREDIBLE artifact of early steem.... i even showed people like @fyrstikken that they made it in, which was funny to them as i was talking to them on discord and WOW they appear in a book lol
dude the Artist TINASHE has her dad from Zimbabwe .... her last name is KACHINGWE like CACHING WAY like CASH REGISTER way hahaha
When we get her to JOIN hive, i want to share with her our story and maybe we can have her come do a music tour in Africa, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria etc , but first we need to airdrop enough CRYPTO and hive jobs so all her fans can attend, and if she needs more fans in Africa we will just have her do performances with the local African talent .... dude it could be huge .... with hive and telos
anyway in the mean time I have so much work to do with @telokanda
heres 100 KANDA tokens for now
im planning BIG airdrops to African Users on TWITTER, which is where they are all collected nice an dneat.... under popular follower lists..... @tipitbot https://tipit.io can airdrop to followers soon maybe even airdrop NFT tickets for concerts etc
we will make twitter like hive with tip bots for curation author rewards etc
and we will use Emanate, Zeptagram and blockchain music tools
Haha two different tinashes sent me a book on steemit or rather @tytran sent it to me from them hahaha insanity
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