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RE: FREE Kanda , yes it's FREE!!!!

in Telokanda5 years ago

I upvoted and resteemed! Heres 7 mkre kanda for yr post and youll get 75% author rewards... or is it 50%? So many scot tokens i forget... but THIS one is SPECIAL.... some people rhink the more tokens the less valuabke butbthats not true.... each token is like a business.... does the stock market get more or less valuable as tome goes on and more businesses are created? more valuable.... in fact... tge ecosystem of businesses is MUCH .ore valuabke than one business

An engine js much more valuabke than a few gears and pistons... sure geats and pistons have value and are traded snd you could make a currency based on little gold and silver GEARS lol but hah imagine the symbolism.... thats why we have coins

Hha oo nevermind that made no sense

My pointnis money is an engine so lets make sure we fuel it up ...or gas it up like danni leigh ... instagram flex basic hoes gettin gassed up .... cuz humans are shitcoins and they breed people too fast
..unless we get mars bases then we need more people but how sad is it that only attractive happy strong people will be allowed to colonize mars ? Lol