Example conversion of 1000 KANDA on hive from @ackza to @xpr with memo XKANDA zackzackzack
tx id for sending 1000 hive engine KANDA to get 1000 XKANDA on proton
this triggers issuance of 1000 XKANDA to telokanda account and a transfer to the zackzackzack proton xpr account added to the memo
tx id for issuance
tx id for transfer to zackzackzack proton account
now my proton zackzackzack account has XKANDA
Use the comments in this post to leave evidence on chain of your transfer if youd like , or use the telegram or discord http://discord.telokanda.live https://t.me/telokanda
all you need is that one tx id or screenshot of you sending KANDA on hive to @xpr or @telokanda account with memo XKANDA yourprotn account or PROTONKANDA proton account eitehr one works, and typos are ok as im manually doing these for now as you also must qualify by having 1 kandapower hive, 1 telos kanda and 1 post on https://telokanda.live !