Zalatimo from Voice is an enemy of free speech

in Telokanda4 years ago

Zalatimo tells me to think of Voice like Medium, or maybe Twitter, but with a key difference: money. The goal is to use the tokens to incentivize good behavior—or as Blumer puts it, “tie economics to all of our behavior.” Users get paid in Voice tokens for watching or clicking on ads, and can use the tokens to do things like give more visibility to posts or comments. That, Zalatimo says, will help encourage people to post quality content. (The company can also intervene if necessary and take away tokens for things like violating rules and terms of service, which are still being hashed out but will emphasize “respect.”) Eventually, media companies might want to post their content on Voice and get tokens in exchange for clicks.

he neglected to tel anyone on voice this lol


Posted from Telokanda Hive Dapp


Voice is too little too late IMHO.

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