Is it the richest or the smartest who wins or survives in the end? How about the most Adaptable? Every day we're getting bombarded with mixed messages from various sources besides big bad MSM. Every day we vacillate between which news sources or social media we allow into our headspace. It's both a time of information overload and a factual desert.
2020 has proven to be something that will break you or forge you into something stronger and hopefully better. Empathy should not be seen as weakness as it seems to be in some areas. Empathy and making sure others are doing okay is also adapting to a situation where you may need to be "cool" with the people around you in case it's you that needs a lifeline thrown. It's why networking is so important to me and making sure that the strong bonds remain strong and that disagreements are ironed out to keep moving forward.
One thing I've learned is to keep in shape no matter what. There will always be an excuse to distract you from taking care of yourself. What good can one be to others if you're always online or just watching t.v. and not doing much else. It is easy to fall into traps of negativity with a world of depressing and terrifying news. A sense of paranoia can creep in if the fear keeps hitting you repeatedly. I keep fit, I homestead, I unplug and get my feet and hands in the soil and build bridges to some and walls to others. That is how adaptation has kept me in a place of repose and not one of lashing out at things I can not control.
not exactly my aesthetic style but the message remains potent/ gifs from giphy
Till next time, stay safe and don't be afraid of being.......afraid. These are trying times but through perseverance and adaptation maybe we all can learn to evolve to do better and be better.
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Wise words, glad I clicked!!
Thank you kindly, yeah those sayings and such may be stale platitudes to some but they have a lot of truth in them
...then this, that I saw on an office bulletin board...
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the self-control to not choke the living shit out of some asshole who is irritating me...
those are WISE words too, I like that version just as much !
Anticipation and preparation will make adaptation so much easier.
Prepping is key even if not a prepper, times are a changing and no clue how that will work out
Boy, I sure hope so, I am prepped to my eye-teeth in many ways LOL!!!
Inspirational. I needed a bit of this
think all of us prolly do these days, glad you liked it
sweeeet , awesome for stopping by and joined the community