You know that feeling you get when you just know that something is or is not for you? It's so simple a principle to stick to what you know YOU like but in practice it can get complicated. "Just say No" is a bit harder when it's a gift from someone you love yet you don't quite know how to tell Grandma that you are not going to wear an XL Sweater with sparkles on it. At the very least it would be nice to say the right size rather than hurt someones feelings. It's OKAY to be picky and if done right then you get what you want while communicating by explaining WHY the right size matters or what you actually like matters. Of course this can be applied to all aspects of life and you'll get ahead that way most of the time I'd wager.
The problem with this scenario is that because you weren't 'picky' enough to be honest that the sweater with sparkles didn't fit (and perhaps you don't like sparkles)...your next present will probably again be something that you don't like since now Grandma thinks you love gigantic sparkly sweaters. ;) Clearly this principle can go towards food as well or you'll wind up getting Fruitcakes or Banana Pudding Pies and get to fake smile while eating it and then pretending it's Godiva Truffles. I choose to be picky and try not to hurt feelings while making it known what it is that makes me tick or makes me sick. For the record I hate sparkly anything unless it's gemstones or star gazing. ;)
Thanks for reading and remember to smash that upvote button, perhaps give me a follow or reblog and Hive On!
You should be pickier and stop wasting your time here, Battleaxe.
lol again
gotta do something when pooping, guess I should add more fiber to put more gifs in , DPOS, Delegated Proof of Shit
Heya Battleaxe well said...
thank you :) I just like writing random musings and ramblings down
It made me laugh ... sorry. I think 'being picky is ok and even needed'.
Been there, sparkly sweater and all but too small, some relies still think I'm a baby (Dementia).
dementia and the demented are the ones to give sparkly sweaters in the first place :P ;)