Accept sex.

in SpiritWeb3 years ago (edited)


Greetings to all the souls who are here!

We are educated to be ashamed of this subject. We are educated to repress this aspect so naturally! Nobody talks about sex or, if they do, they do it in two clear ways:

  • It is indiscreet to talk about sexuality!
  • It all comes down to pornography and fetishes!

I want to talk to you differently about sex.
Our sexual energy is life in us! Let me clarify... A repressed sexual energy will turn into anger, depression, distorted sexuality. Sexual energy itself is the life that flows through you. Ambition, curiosity, all are your converted sexual energy. Just like I said before, it's life flowing through you! How to use this life energy correctly?

  1. Stop blaming yourself because it exists in you (if you have this mentality).
  2. Use it as you feel it when it appears.

And I would like to tell you that, in this way, a miracle will happen! You will heal from all the non-acceptance that was implemented when you were just an innocent child, a helpless child in front of adults who have told you countless times what sex is. And this miracle will feel in you like a gentle breeze, like a warm hug. One that you give yourself.
Another important aspect is to forget about the one next to you and even about yourself during sexual intercourse. This exercise will show you that YOU are that energy and that you have rejected yourself for so long. And once you reunite with this energy, you will reunite with YOU. You may feel your body lighter and notice changes in how you perceive it, in how you feel.

Thanks to everyone who read this article! I want to help you!