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RE: Meditative Reflections

in SpiritWeb5 years ago

Oh no the big project is to work on something like this - the Wheel of Pedagogy - just relevant to sociology, which is what my blog is about.

It'll be different, but you get the idea - LOTS of information crammed into one super visual organisation chart.

I've got a few ideas, just need to crack on.

Another idea was making some 'trump cards' with sociologists, although since Splinterlands I wonder if fighting type cards might be better.

You know the idea - big ticket items combining everything I know.


Love it. I'm doing something similar with eventually, going for a minddump of what I know so when I die, the kids can reference 'what would dad do' type stuff, probably my own ego assuming they might want my opinion and observations on things, but I know I'd appreciate if my father did something similar. It's a long time coming and I'm slowly getting all my notes from 5 different note and personal wiki apps together. Tbh, I've thought about also wrapping it in a book, but I imagine chunks of it will be copyright / trademarked type info, like getting things done / 7 habits / Earl Nightingale / Alan watts references and data points... Who know, maybe I'll do it anyways and tell the man to eff off when they come a knocking, not like I'm trying to get rich here, just share my perspective. LoL

Sounds like quite a project.

As long as you're not selling something copyright shouldn't be too much of a problem!

I've been working with zim desktop wiki to crosslink things and organize notes for this project, which I'm calling ToC, for of course, table of contents. It's a weird idea I can't wait to start coding, but first I have to bring my personal development plan up to date with those notes... Kinda winging it from a 'things I have done that worked and habits I wish I formed years ago'.. the current version online is about a year and a half old, but the local version is much more organized and updated, eventually I'll post that update. Just being insecure about it since the first update / under construction version is such a mess... One of those self shaming things. LoL. At least I'm aware.... Or something. is the site for the desktop app, runs on Linux windows and osx,... Has a export and lots of cool features, maybe it'll help.

Slightly on topic... What tools do you recommend for charts and mindmaps?

Oh, I really like this, thanks.
Had to Google a minute for the PDF, that page was a 404,

Says V4, but it's 4.1. lol. Anyways, how's the charts business during quarantine? Has it picked up at all? Do you do paid advertising or organic / seo optimized?