NFT news Splinterlands SPT NFTs, similar HIVE LIST NFT market, & way to much for a title

in HiveHustlers4 years ago

SPT NFTs and site NFT market active, Hive list has one similar to this announced. New DEC and SPS liquidity rewards on tribal DEX, KOGS game now in the play to earn stage starting today. Now if that's not enough updates on another 6 projects.


My focus as many readers already know is NFT collections / play to earn Dapps, specifically those of WAX, HIVE, & EOS. You may or may not be aware I have been beta testing KOGS new game & RFOX services.

Today is the big Day as the server updates have just began for KOGs Slam & by the end of the day should be functionally a play to earn Blockchain Game.

While still in beta you can sign up for early access now that its truly earning players crypto and NFTs. Details and link to beta sign up here.

Until this point testers myself included had been checking for bugs and issues reporting them to the Devs to get issues identified and fixed before the Beta went play to earn.
As for those more strapped for time and wish not to play games but instead make investments. I have been investing in the KOGs NFTs for a while and their Reward Crypto RFOX as it will be used in game like DEC is in Splinterlands.

Keep in mind I'm not a financial advisor this is just what I have been investing in relative to this massive project.

For the NFTs you can buy them on WAX secondary markets or for those looking for packs your in luck they are still for sale here.

For reference here is an unboxing each pack contains Common: 6 Uncommon: 3 Rare: 1 Slammer: 1 Special Slot: 1
cost 22 WAX $8 USD at time of writing, results
See the special slot is one you focus on as it has a chance of dropping the Ultra rare variety. This is what happened with this pack I got really lucky.
This price is well short of the actual value as the market is unaware of the projects progress.

In addition to the Game becoming play to earn the bounty board has started for this series. Awarding owners of particularly identified KOGs that week.

The final step that will make these prices hit the moon will be when the Tube combination and staking begins later this month.

Anyone participating in the play to earn portion of the beta get to keep their crypto earned in game and gin access to exclusive beta only NFTs.


RFOX is the crypto rewarded for staking KOGs or playing the KOGs blockchain game. Every blockchain user knows the problems with ETH and the reason this roll out took this long was partially due to RFOX converting to BSC instead of ETH.
In addition to KOGS RFOX the crypto of their parent company RFOX labs. RFOX labs has a great many projects including a bridge the RFOX vault and many many more projects including its own meta verse.

The metaverse is currently in development
However many aspects of RFOX labs & its projects are up and running.
Link to official site below

You can buy RFOX their crypto either directly from their BSC exchange or.
I use KUCOIN for reference.


Yeah the NFTs possibly will be introduced to the game latter on but as far as I know thus far you can only earn KOGs in game.

So one reason you want to play the beta link at the beginning of this article is due to quote.

"Here's another carrot that will make you want to play more during the Play-To-Earn CBT: when you play 100 matches in any multiplayer game, you get a dope SLAM Beta Slammer. Just 100 games. How dope are these game-exclusive slammers? Take a look at Pineapple Slam and see for yourself."
An exclusive game only KOGs slammer for wining 100 matches easy right.
By CBT they mean Closed beta test so sign up sooner rather then later.

Oh you will never believe this but it just happened that unboxing I did at the beginning of the write up wasn't the only one I did today.

Long story short I got another ultra rare as the name implies they are not common.

Not only did I get a second ultra rare but its the same group or colection as the first.
See the spider queen now I have two but not duplicates.
This is like getting struck by lightning during shark attack lucky ( meaning highly unlikely).
These once tube phase starts for KOGs can be combined together to make an ultra rare rainbow set once you have all the variations.
This is the easiest KOG tube type to produce and the market is down for series 2 but look at this price.
$150864.00 the number was to big to fit on screen, granted it wont sell likely for anywhere near that but $25,000 USD totally possible.
See this was a sale I got last series for an ultra rare people will pay outrageous amounts to complete a set or get a bounty.
These are my KOGs records for profit loss metrics my revenue out weighs my total expenditure. Despite the fact KOGs went over budget last series and has been treading water for like 5 months.

So even against all odds this colection is still profitable in the worse market imaginable.

Now I know I have been repeating KOGs will spike forever it feels like & while not doing bad the colection has yet to have a sizable price increase.

This however is a good thing remember how long the land plot system has been taking in Splinterlands. Block chain games and NFT collections that look before they leap are rare.

Given the development of KOGs many new aspects has taken so long the project shows its well thought out and executed.

Again I'm not a financial advisor but in my opinion this colection and its crypto RFOX will soon be headed to the moon.

Green Rabbit

Wow a great many predictions coming to fruition today as Green rabbit the NFT colection & their Crypto SHELL Shellinium are spiking.
First launched in the end of July Green rabbit hasn't missed one date in their outlined road map.
Now the in game store is open & on the 7th the crafting will begin. I staked their NFTs last month and bought some SHELL in anticipation of this event.
This is what the price has done in that time over 500% higher then it was when I first started recommending readers get some SHELL.

Though maybe you missed the boat on this aspect of the project you may still be in luck.
Remember I mentioned the crafting system starting soon, well the NFTs for this colection shown above will be used in the crafting.
Though there is a 40% chance of failure when attempting to do so in the event the crafting succeeds you would increase that NFTs value and rarity.
Ultimately this matters as increasing rarity increases the amount of SHELL earned per hour via staking.

Stands to reason given the markets high demand for SHELL individuals would likely want to try and get these better lore tablets via crafting.

Now if you where so inclined knowing ahead of time that there will be a decreasing supply of these lore tablets with an increased demand.

You could theoretically stock up wait for the market supply to diminish then re sell them at a profit.

Again not a financial advisor just a fan of extortion the X makes it sound cool.

Liquidity on Tribal Dex

I know this isn't a game or NFT but I have actually tied this in to both. Less on the NFT side but I have been on a bit of a side mission lately to Generate Hive game crypto from Diesel pools.

You see the pools on tribal dex that generate the highest return from providing liquidity will be marked with has LP rewards.
Just recently these where added to the list of crypto pairings which has LP rewards.
The one on top is for DCitys SIM which is also doing much better lately.
So if you counted there are now 3 Games from Hive which have LP rewards for their crypto. Splinterlands has quite a few DEC and SPS as well as SPT pairings generating LP rewards.

Rising star Starbits have a pairing with Pizza generating LP rewards. & SIM has a Hive pairing representing the Hive game Dcity.
Liquidity can be fun to mess with but you need to understand it because failure to do so can result in what's known as temporary loss.

That being said I learn by actually utilizing these systems a hands or mouse as it where on approach. Risking small amounts tracking the results and factoring in based on my previous results.

No gas on Hive so that actually helps a great deal with profiting on liquidity pools. BSC isn't bad but does have gas however ETH is to me dead as it has been so ridiculous for so long.

When I think of ETH this is what comes to mind
Kill it kill it with fire!

Happy thought back to tribal dex Hive has no ass fees for the most part there are exceptions to this such as sending or withdrawing funds but this usage of Liquidity pools to the best of my knowledge Does not have gas fees.

Correct me in the comments if I'm wrong please

Here is the link to tribal dex


Rather odd NFT colection which technically qualifies as a game in a rudimentary sense.
My Dcity Build while not great is actually starting to generate a decent return.

This being said with the prices now I wouldn't advise it but when the market was down this was reasonable cheap to accomplish.

My build according to the game is valued at roughly $190 USD at the time of writing I spent maybe a 1/4 of that probably less

As of late my build on an average day generates the following
The SIM when in a large enough quantity starts generating HIVE daily. Since my build generates SIM the aforementioned SIM generates more HIVE as it increases.

In affect there is very little that I actually have to do with this game check in on occasion. Other then that its more or less set it and forget it leading to higher and higher profits.


These rules that generate SIM such as taxation are effected by the current in game president. Usually Its not to bad but I have had some crazy shit happen to my revenue causing me to vote.

Now my article I did a few days ago Explained how WEED can generate BRO via Delegation.

This matters now because you can generate WEED in Dcity by your build having WEED farms. Though this is not the most profitable you now technically could produce SPS via some inventive work arounds and Dcity.

For the article explaining the WEED Brofi delegation click the following link.

Hive alt projects of note

This tittle is a little miss leading most if not all of HIVES crypto tribes bots and service are note worthy.

I commonly check Hive engine and jut look into projects I dont recognize to see what the do.

On Hive engine I know the first 41 coins listed what they do what project they are connected to and their function

In total I believe I know 107 HIVE alt coins their function and all that other sh$t. As well as where to get them how to earn them can you earn them so on.

Why I'm stating all this is if you have a question I'm not officially affiliated however I probably can point you in the right direction.

So if you got questions shout them out in the comments, if its a question I cant answer I can direct you to someone that can.


This is a cool one, there are a few coins like this on HIVE but none quite the same. PIZZA is a Bot service here on Hive it tips anyone whos content you comment this bot command on one of their posts.

Bot command =


You must have 20 PIZZA in your wallet to utilize this function here's the description.

"Add liquidity to our PIZZA Diesel Pools to farm rewards daily. Win token rewards just by holding $PIZZA! Buy and hold 20 $PIZZA and gain access to the !PIZZA command to reward others with free $PIZZA! Spend $PIZZA on Steam Video Games in the $PIZZA Game Store! Delegate HP to our curation account to farm tokens daily and much much more!"

That's again the company's token description and instructions above. This link below is their official site.

Its nice to have services like this as its an extra reward you can tack on for exemplary content.

Now earlier I pointed out the Liquidity options on Tribal DEX

PIZZA has a a few Diesel pools with rewards right now.
I have to say I like the STARBITS one but all are good choices.
Now many of the tip bot cryptocurrencies like BEER for instance must be staked to your account to utilize the bot function. Staking on HIVE takes 3 months to totally retrieve when attempting to unstake funds.

This is not great for investing as that changes quickly in some situations look at HIVE prices.

Spikes and valleys like this are difficult to predict a week from now let alone a month.

This is why PIZZA rocks all the benefits none of the risk as you dont have to stake it.

Hive List

Hive list is a number of different things a user market place a blog a chat room & it has several HIVE alts connected to its various projects. Including but not limited to

LIST Hivelist Token


HUSTLER Hustler Dollar


HUSTLERM Hustler Dollar Miner


COM Hivecommerce Token

Though these are all interconnected the Hivelist tribe or (blog) awards posters with LIST strictly the others are obtained differently.

I will explain all the crypto in a moment, right now there are bigger things to address the Hive list NFT market place.

Not up and running this is brand new info, anyone anywhere mentions NFTs I'm there. No really I had a feeling something like this was happening due to interactions with the site owner and developer.
Yeah I would say we have a game changer with this one folks.

This is in addition to the literally staggering level of services already offered through Hive list like the classifieds feature. a section utilized to post products for sale, events, & more.
Current listings & details can be found via the following link

On to the other Tokens I mentioned earlier keeping it really simplified here because this read length is already out of hand.

Basically the primary reason I utilize HUSTLER, HUSTLERM, is to staking them. Doing so generates a few different coins depending on which your staking. LIST may also be staked the reason I stake most of them other then the market discount from LIST is to generate COM.
COM or Hive Commerce token is a HIVE coin that when you stake it generates.
My account containing 500 STAKED COM generates the amounts above daily.
original COM white paper

This entire token economy

Big things seen to be around the corner for an already impressive group of projects.


I'm beginning to see a future where these Blockchains NFTs will be more interconnected. For a while now WAX NFT collections have been paired with either ETH or BSC. Now a few WAX collections are even on polygon. With a few Hive based NFT services are expanding into that same realm.

The point is this there are currently WAX projects in the process of setting up BSC markets and DAPPS. Literally the same exact thing Hive devs are currently doing.

Given that the same goal is being perused by both, the amount of effort going into developing a system in which many of these NFT assets can be obtained regardless of which blockchain your on.

Splinterlands all over the place reinventing the NFT industry and shit. Within that same vein is KOGS & RFOX Splinterlands NFTs cant be transferred to BSC yet but they did have a similar set up with ETH.

RFOX labs literally is working on making KOGs NFTs a BSC or WAX asset. Previously you would just stake a Tube or colection to an ETH address on their site.

With the new play to earn game and next series staking as well as the KOGs in game market will all eventually be done with BSC.

By eventually I mean months for the staking at most the play to earn beta is currently live on the BSC blockchain the simply have to pair the games BSC based market to their WAX colection.

An unexpected NFT project making advancements pairing & transferring off the WAX blockchain via polygon.

Yeah I seen this and my jaw hit the floor it works already and everything.
For those unaware WOB or World of botanica is an OK NFT colection but its very unpopular.

I think their intention was just to have a similar loosely affiliated colection on both blockchains.

None the less as far as I know this is the first WAX project involved with polygon.
That being said judging by their markets on both I think they may have failed twice.

Splinterlands just started SPT NFTs.

So first things first we may have a sneak peak at the rewards cards released in the near future.
This in & of itself is big news but guess what I can top it.
That's two NFT mike drops today from SPT being used to purchase these new commemorative NFTs on Splinter talks new NFT page link below.

So that's a HIVE front end selling their own NFTs for their HIVE alt on the HIVE blockchain. This is going to become a regular occurrence I'm gathering in light of recent events which are ground breaking in the NFT industry. HIVE and NFTs haven't really been the best of friends they have made due ok but its been problematic.

This is to the best of my knowledge the first HIVE tribe to accomplish this. NFT showroom exists there isn't much more it actually does but the Blogs or Tribes getting their own NFT pages game changing.

Now on to some SPS earning hacks I discovered recently regarding the liquidity pools I mentioned earlier.
The only DEC I have in liquidity pools at the moment is
Roughly 2,400 DEC total in liquidity pools on any blockchain
the rest of the Splinterlands assets in liquidity in my case are SPT and SPS.

The airdrop points to DEC ratio is a 1 to 1 but with my liquidity pools airdrop points it must be taking the other assets into account. Even if we assume that extra airdrop points are a result of the SPT those numbers still dont add up my guess is its taking other tokens into account.

I will experiment with this further to clarify what factors are at play.

Splinterlands keeps this up their players will be like
By the end of this airdrop

Given this multitude of upsets to the Hive market today some odd things have happened.
Not related just like to look at it, kidding this HIVE price combined with the surge in SPT demand / Price. The Pack prices have dipped back down to the $40 area, as everyone scrambles to move money to other investments.
Needless to say todays been a historically good day for Splinterlands and HIVE.

More NFT news

Good god am I done yet this is so much info, busy day for NFTs Zombiecoin, Crypto Moon boys, & green rabbit all had
NFT drops today 9/42021.

Having attended all of them I have a unboxing to do I have spent enough time previously on Green rabbit

I got this which sold out incredibly fast
Only 500 made and they where only purchasable with SHELL.

The Zombie coin drop is essential NFTs to play like role selectors and citizens. This NFT sale was much cheaper then the first Its still going on here

Now like our fifth main feature presentation Crypto moon boys is trying to get into the NFT defi market.

In this first stage of their road map today they dropped Packs.
Of course their weed friendly so I got to get into this colection
Yeah Defi and a game out of this why isn't this a thing yet, well I guess now it is on its way.

These packs where not cheap PRICE: $49 USD worth of WAX.
Lets burn $50 I mean open the pack
A single NFT
I'm speechless
They are all 1st editions which means my NFT is one of a kind but so is every NFT out of those packs this will probably end badly.
Badly if this step followed by this step takes to long to launch
Now more then likely I will loose money here, but one of the best parts of unboxings like this is you dont have to make that mistake instead of buying the pack just purchase the NFT.
One ill be keeping an eye on to be sure if they hit like 1/2 price or lower ill buy more if I believe the project hasn't died they took a huge weird risk by doing this.

projects Summery

A section giving you a brief list of all the services mentioned in this write up.
Crypto Moon Boys

secondary Crypto MB market

Zombie coin drop

Green rabbit site

New Splinter talk NFT market

World of botanica both WAX and polygon

Koggs site where to gain access to the new play to earn beta

HIVE hustler token economy

Link to their soon to be NFT market on Hive list

PIZZA site

Tribal Dex Diesel pools

Hope this helps make everything easier to find, my mind is a rats nest of info so straightening it out is difficult. Add to that I have attended 7 launches in the last 2 days and it gets to be a little much.

Single claim NFT airdrop URL

This is a airdrop of 6 NFTs on a first come first serve basis and can only be claimed by a single lucky reader. If you the lucky one that receives the airdrop and there is less then 6 NFTs check you WAX wallet white list settings.

Bad photo but that KOG is a foil version
Once claimed please let the other readers know in the comments it helps.

When my posts do well airdrops get bigger so please re blog, like, comment, and subscribe to get more large airdrops just like this one.

Perhaps your interested in purchasing any of my NFTs from my ever expanding collection you may do so here.

My stock constantly rotates so it changes daily

Prospectors topping the NFT sale value for 3 days now also a free to play game check it out at the link below. BTW they have roulette so the Martingale system works here however no site reward and its not a large project so doing this could be detrimental. this game is free it makes real crypto give it a shot its not bad honestly you can make quite a bit on it.

more free WAX games, rewarding free NFTs/Crypto

Rising star is a totally free HIVE game no input for steady output my kind of investment.

Oh I guess now Torum to

Thunder Token is free to mine off a phone app & recently it was bridged with BSC as well as being Bridged with ETH already so its currently shooting up in value. You can still produce it for free here's my referral link.

HIVE games

Faucet with immediate payout to wallet


WAX alts

Any questions shout them out in the comments, ill try my best to answers everything, or I can or direct you to whom may have answers.


Lol, I was reading your post and when I got to the claim I went for it. I'm so addicted to your drops.

I will give some of the ones I got to other newbs as I meet them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awsome that would be appreciated honestly

Yeah, I'm excited to give some away. I signed up for the Kogs beta. Hope I get chosen

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



$PIZZA Token team!@chubb149! This post has been manually curated by the

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at Enjoy a slice of $PIZZA on us!

Kogs looks promising but it's expensive especially for me as a beginner in wax to enter.
For the unboxing, I'll have to let you unpack it for me anything I get my hands on one :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta