Fastest and cheapest way to cash out from Peakd?

in HiveHustlers4 years ago (edited)

I cant find any clear instruction on how to cash out.... Can anybody send me a quick stepplan to cash out?

I made a Binance account just now and a friend who can give me cash.

Image source: Own screenshot.


power down and then transfer hive and hbd to @ionomy following their directions. Open an account with and sell your hive for btc or another coin and then cash out.

It looks bad to be cashing out when you don't have at least 500hp.
We are not your golden goose.
It is selling pressure keeping the price low.
That is you, eh?
Save your money, if you can't save your money, save your hive, capisce?

I dont care about you or you guesses, your golden goose or most of the people on this stupid platform.

You have a natural medicine community that doesn't defend it.

For whatever reason I want to cash out, thats up too me shithead.

Sure thing, boss.

Good, now bow down.

Lol, if.

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