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RE: My Hustle Struggle

in HiveHustlers5 years ago

Good shit mate, nice one for sticking at it and looks like the struggles have been worth it for sure - keep going!

Also, I have a contact in SA (Port Elizabeth area - 15+ years or so of web developing and hosting experience) and built my website which I've had for like, 6 or 7 years, so if you are looking to get another site set up, I'll put you in contact, just drop me a line on Discord.

@fionasfavourites started using his services after my recommendation too


Lol how nuts is that you got a dude in SA to build your site?

So my site is a bit different the front end, the admin back end and the main back end is a custom code base writing in C# so they will manage it still and still happy with their service!

But always good to have new contacts who knows what we want to build in the future

Great read and I need to check out your site again...Well done, Che. Hard work, especially here. I've had may fair share of website dramas over the last nearly 20 years and before Nick's mate rescued me after the @gmuxx debacle and a really bad experience with Afrihost, I am very happy with Ed - Nick's mate. That said, I do just use a simple WP site and have build and manage it myself, so Ed's just hosting and providing any "complex" support I need. I also have a Google site for Destination McGregor but am rethinking that because it's expensive - among other reasons and because I don't code, is quite limited. That said, I couldn't be happier with Ed - gave me a great deal, too. Oh, and happy to support another Saffa small business....

Umm...and why isn't there a link to your site in your post? #justasking 😜

Websites are always drama from the little one to the big one I’m sure im still in for more drama in the future but for now it’s good, I keep soldiering on

I see it was the greater the resistance the more you battle test your idea

Lol I spend so much time shilling it with other channels and it’s in my bio, but I guess an extra shilling never hurt it’s nichemarket

for now it’s good, I keep soldiering on
Great. Especially now.

Lol I spend so much time shilling it with other channels and it’s in my bio
doh! my bad....

Haha yeah the guy in SA was on the same record label as I was back in 2011 when I first started producing music properly and I wrote the newsletters/blogs for that label, he maintained the label site and the label owner was free to then build connections and grow the label (fond memories). Then I said I'd like to have my own blog and he just set it up for me, showed me how WP worked and that was it!

I couldn't tell the first thing about coding, Ed does all that haha! But yeah, if you need it, let me know, will put you in contact.