Back on the Grind

in HiveHustlers3 years ago

Things have started to calm down for me in my personal life which leaves me more free time. Now I could kick back and twiddle the time away, or I can do something productive with it. With that being said fellow #Hustlers, what do you think I chose? As the title suggests to get back on the grind of course! So what does that look like for me?


Well, for starters I want to ensure I don't get burnt out from putting too much on my plate as that will have an opposing effect to my goal, so these are all soft targets. My current strategy also involves leveraging Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 as well as Crypto/NFT assets and fiat currency assets. In order to do this in as organized a manner as possible I have four windows open at all times for the different categories things fall into.

The first step in my plan is ASSET MANAGEMENT. Proper asset management will help increase my returns faster than if I were to just set and walk away. This is a crucial point in the process as the majority of my returns come from proper asset management, whether it be renting out Splinterlands cards, managing my shares in LPs, or buying and selling crypto, and anything else in between. Though this step is a crucial one for maximizing returns it actually requires the least amount of work as I only need to check the markets once a day to make sure my assets are working as effectively as possible, though I will check more frequently as time permits.


The second step of my plan is P2E GAMING. Keeping up with the games that I already have a foot in to maximize the returns from them and generate assets will be beneficial. In theory, and hopefully reality, eventually this step won't be necessary and will only be for fun rather than asset generation, though that isn't the case right now. Currently I have a foot in Rising Star, Splinterlands, Exode, Dcity, and Gods Unchained, though right now I am only focusing on the first two and GU.


The third step of my plan, which also ties directly in to the fourth step, is INCREASING MY ONLINE PRESENCE AND VISIBILITY. This requires the most amount of work out of any of the for steps. To accomplish this I will be shooting for a semi-regular blogging schedule with three posts per week on HIVE and one per week on Publish0X. I really want to really start working on the creativity and quality of my posts so that will be a large focus of mine, even if it causes me to post less frequently at first. I am also going to start using Web 2.0 Social Media, like Twitter and Instagram, to accomplish this as well.


The fourth step of my plan is AFFILIATE MARKETING. This is something I used to do, though I had to take a break from it after joining the military. Now that things have slowed down it is something that I'm able to begin doing again. I am actually still signed up with the same company as before, a beard care company called The Beard Struggle.


My hope is that by following these steps it will allow me to accrue capital to either convert my income to a fully (or at least mostly) passive income, or to be able to start my own business and have enough income coming in to facilitate the beginning phases of that.

If you read through this thank you, and if you have any tips, tricks, or advice please let me know!

Also if any of you use or are looking to use beard care products and want a nice discount (20%) as well as to help a brother out you can go to and use the code WOLFE22 at check out OR just use this link to have it applied automatically (the same visit you use the link). I use their beard products every day and love them.