The Cost of Beauty: pain a price you pay

in Hair World6 months ago

Anino, my baby girl, sits in front of me, her braided hair a testament to her beauty. But I know the truth behind the intricate styles and perfectly coiffed locks. I know the pain and tears that come with it.

As I began to braid her hair, she winced with every tug and pull. Her cries pierced my heart, and I couldn't help but think of the times I had to hold her down, her small body struggling against the pain. I had to barb her hair to the skin, a painful process that left her scarred and me guilty.

But still, we persisted. Why? Because beauty is pain, or so we're told. We're told that the suffering is worth it, that the end result justifies the means. But as I look at Anino, I wonder, what's the essence of it all?

Is beauty just about physical appearance, or is it something more? Is it about the confidence and self-esteem that comes with feeling beautiful, or is it about the pain and sacrifice we endure to achieve it?

As I look at my daughter, I realize that her beauty is not just about her hair, but about her spirit, her kindness, and her compassion. And I wonder, do we really need to put her through pain to enhance that beauty?

This time, I endured the pain, not her. I took on the struggle, the tugging and pulling, the tears and the cries. And as I finished the last braid, I knew that it was worth it, not because of the beauty it brought, but because of the lesson it taught us both. That true beauty comes from within, and that sometimes, the cost is too high to pay.