Experiences with a cactus species - Experiencias con una especie de cactus.

in Succulent growers4 years ago
Several years ago I collected fruits and cladodes of the cactus Opuntia boldinghii Britton & Rose in a population far away from my home and a laboratory where I worked, in order to carry out some researches; I will comment on some that I published.

Hace varios años recolecté en una población muy distante de mi casa y un laboratorio en el que trabajaba, frutos y cladodios del cactus Opuntia boldinghii Britton & Rose para realizar unas investigaciones; comentaré sobre algunas que publiqué.

1.- I have used enzymes to clarify (decrease turbidity) a diluted mixture of cactus fruit pulp with orange and grapefruit juices in a filtration process; the yield was 38.3 % higher than that of the mixture where I did not use enzymes.

1.- He utilizado enzimas para clarificar (disminuir turbidez) una mezcla diluida de pulpa de frutos del cactus con jugos de naranja y toronja en un proceso de filtración; el rendimiento fue 38,3 % mayor que el de la mezcla donde no utilicé enzimas.

2.- I elaborated a flour of cladodes and hydrolyzed it enzymatically with the purpose of reducing a little its fiber; the fiber was reduced and the sugars were increased in 6.96 %.

2.- Elaboré una harina de cladodios y la hidrolicé enzimáticamente con el propósito de reducir un poco su fibra; la fibra se redujo y los azúcares se incrementaron en un 6,96 %.

3.- Subsequently, I used the flour to partially substitute wheat flour (10, 15 and 20 %) to formulate mixtures and then to elaborate cupcakes; the dessert with 10 % substitution was the preferred one.

3.- Posteriormente, la harina la usé para sustituir parcialmente harina de trigo (10, 15 y 20 %) para formular mezclas y luego elaborar ponquecitos; el postre con sustitución de 10 % fue el preferido.

In the backyard of my house there were some remains of cladodes and with time that area became leafy because of other plants. One day it occurred to me to check the area and I found under shade only 2 remains of cladodes in precarious conditions.

En el patio de mi casa quedaron algunos restos de cladodios y con el tiempo esa área se volvió frondosa por causa de otras plantas. Un día se me ocurrió revisar el área y encontré bajo sombra solo 2 restos de cladodios en condiciones precarias.

4.- I got motivated and decided to try to propagate them vegetatively in a natural way; after approximately 100 days, 2 new individuals of the cactus species were already formed. I also published the follow up of the propagation.

4.- Me motivé y decidí intentar propagarlos vegetativamente de forma natural; luego de aproximadamente 100 días, 2 nuevos individuos de la especie de cactus ya estaban formados. El seguimiento a la propagación también lo publiqué.

As a result of propagation, I managed to get the Opuntia boldinghii Britton & Rose cactus in cultivation in my backyard, but a few months ago a fire in the yard affected the cacti and they died. Although I regretted it, I said to myself, it is very likely that they will propagate vegetatively, and indeed they did. In that sense, I share the following photographs, in which you can see various sprouts that have emerged.

Consecuencia de la propagación, logré que el cactus Opuntia boldinghii Britton & Rose se encontrara cultivado en el patio de mi casa, pero hace pocos meses una quema en el patio afectó a los cactus y murieron. Aunque lo lamenté, me dije a mi mismo, es muy probable que se propaguen vegetativamente, y efectivamente así ocurrió. En tal sentido, comparto las siguientes fotografías, en las cuales se pueden apreciar diversos brotes que han surgido.

Cacti have the ability to root from whole cladodes or pieces of them. If a cladode falls to the ground, the rooting process occurs a few days after contact with the soil.

Los cactus poseen la habilidad de enraizar a partir de cladodios completos o pedazos de ellos. Si un cladodio cae al suelo, el proceso de enraizamiento ocurre poco días después del contacto con el suelo.

Although soil moisture is important, it is not limiting for rooting, because the roots use the water stored in the cladode. The stored water covers the needs for transpiration, the formation of new roots and shoots from a cladode in the soil.

Aunque la humedad del suelo es importante, no es limitante para el enraizamiento, debido a que las raíces utilizan el agua almacenada en el cladodio. El agua almacenada cubre las necesidades de transpiración, la formación de nuevas raíces y de brotes de un cladodio en el suelo.

The strategies of cacti for their survival are amazing.

Las estrategias de los cactus para su supervivencia son sorprendentes.

Commented researches - Investigaciones comentadas

I captured all the images, and with different digital cameras: Panasonic (LUMIX) DMC-FS42, Hewllet-Packard M22, Hewllet-Packard E427 and Fujifilm FinePix Z90.

Capturé todas las imágenes, y con distintas cámaras digitales: Panasonic (LUMIX) DMC-FS42, Hewllet-Packard M22, Hewllet-Packard E427 y Fujifilm FinePix Z90.

 4 years ago  

That's interesting that it could be used as a flour substitute and yes, those little shoots are the reason why it so easily becomes invasive

Hi @hive-183841. In some countries it is necessary to regulate cacti considered invasive or at high risk of becoming invasive to areas suitable for invasion, in order to obtain cultivated areas for their use. In my home we consume the fruits, which provide nutrients, especially betalain pigments, which have considerable health benefits.

Several years ago I collected fruits and cladodes of the cactus Opuntia boldinghii Britton & Rose in a population far away from my home and a laboratory where I worked, in order to carry out some researches; I will comment on some that I published.

Wow. I am going to dig in and see what you derived from your experiments.

Subsequently, I used the flour to partially substitute wheat flour (10, 15, and 20 %) to formulate mixtures and then to elaborate cupcakes; the dessert with 10 % substitution was the preferred one.

What kind of flour did you substitute with the wheat flour, sir? Was it the original flour of cladodes or the one you worked on?

I got motivated and decided to try to propagate them vegetatively in a natural way; after approximately 100 days, 2 new individuals of the cactus species were already formed. I also published the follow-up of the propagation.

This is was really brave of you. I apologize that you lost the whole thing to the fire. But I a happy that it sprouted back again

Thank you for sharing this with us

Good point @edystringz. I substituted both flours, and the non-hydrolyzed (10 %), in the attributes evaluated sensorially, showed higher preference (excepting the control).

Wow!!!! Quedé asombrada con tu experimento. Los cactus son un verdadero misterio, nunca le he prestado tanta atención como tu. Gracias por compartir esta experiencia tan maravillosa.

El misterio que experimentas @belkisa758 quizás se deba a las increíbles adaptaciones que han adquirido para sobrevivir. Te doy un ejemplo, muchas especies modificaron sus hojas a espinas y en consecuencia realizan la fotosíntesis en el tallo.

Wow I had no idea you could make flour from it. I've only consumed the fruits after burning off the needles or cutting off the skin.

Yes, it is possible @solominer, and in small quantities as a substitute for wheat, pasta, cookies and various bakery products can be made; it provides fiber and minerals. I also burn the spines of the fruits. To make flour it is sometimes necessary to burn the spines.