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RE: Cacti that grow in trees

in Succulent growers3 months ago

Holy cacti happiness! All of that showcasing made me so smiley, in fact I might have to go check on my Christmas cactus that I inherited from my great grandma, it's getting close to that time of year😊

Also, thanks a lot Nik, now I am going to have to find me a Bones Cactus, that thing is intriguing lol!

Hope all is well down your way, always happy to see a post from ya!


 3 months ago  

Everyone's grandma had one 😉 and it's great that they live long enough to be inherited!
The Bones cacti are fun and those buds are little yellow Christmas cactus flowers once they get going properly.

Thank you! We're surviving down South I guess, it's just helluva hot and my city has exchanged an electrical crisis for a water one. We aren't too badly impacted where I live but many places go without water for days 😡