This is why I collect Asclepiads / Por esto colecciono Asclepias

in Succulent growers3 years ago


For more than 5 years I started in the world of the collection of ornamental plants. Initially I started growing a wide variety of cacti (Cactaceae) and some called Marble Roses (Crassulaceae). Over time I expanded my knowledge in the cultivation of various groups of succulent plants until the day that a Spanish friend gave me more than 15 specimens of the so-called carrion flowers. I had practically no experience with this plant group because in my region they were very scarce.

Over the years and after researching a lot about these plants I decided to specialize my collection on them only. Currently I have more than 200 varieties of this plant group (Stapeliinae subtribe, Apocynaceae family) and hundreds of hybrids where dozens of them I have achieved.

In this article I want to share with you the main reasons why I decided to grow plants from this plant group.


  • The plants of this beautiful plant group have a variability of color patterns in the flowers comparable very early to that present in orchids. Generally the colors of the flowers are extremely showy and with a lot of contrast. Star-shaped flowers are quite attractive and different from what we are used to.

  • Natural and assisted hybridization is viable between species and even between many genera. It is possible to obtain numerous hybrids in order to commercialize them and obtain economic benefits.

  • It grows "generally" quite fast with the formation of new stems that can be used for asexual propagation.

  • The cultivation is quite simple in most species with some exceptions that are very delicate. It grows quite well in commercial substrates for succulents.

  • It is a different group to collect compared to those that have been collected in the world for decades. The collection will stand out from others in many regions of the planet.

I hope many of you are as motivated as I did. Any information about this group of plants that you want me to delve into can tell me in the comments.

Durante más de 5 años comencé en el mundo de la colección de plantas ornamentales. Inicialmente comencé cultivando una amplia variedad de cactus (Cactaceae) y algunas llamadas Rosas de Mármol (Crassulaceae). Con el tiempo fui ampliando mis conocimientos en el cultivo de diversos grupos de plantas suculentas hasta el día que una amiga española me obsequia más de 15 ejemplares de las llamadas flores de carroña. Sobre este grupo vegetal no tenía prácticamente ninguna experiencia debido a que en mi región eran muy escasas.

Pasados los años y después de investigar mucho sobre estas plantas decidí especializar mi colección en ellas solamente. Actualmente cuento con más de 200 variedades de este grupo vegetal (subtribu Stapeliinae, familia Apocynaceae) y cientos de híbridos en donde decenas de ellos los he logrado yo.

En este artículo quiero compartir con ustedes los principales motivos por los que decidí cultivar plantas de este grupo vegetal.


  • Las plantas de este hermoso grupo vegetal poseen una variabilidad de patrones de coloraciones en las flores comparable muy pronto al presente en las orquídeas. Generalmente los colores de las flores son extremadamente vistosos y con mucho contraste. Las flores con forma de estrella son bastante atractivas y diferentes a las que estamos acostumbrados.

  • La hibridación natural y asistida es viable entre especies e incluso entre muchos géneros. Es posible obtener numerosos híbridos con la finalidad de comercializarlos y obtener beneficios económicos.

  • Crece “generalmente” bastante rápido con la formación de nuevos tallos que pueden emplearse para la propagación asexual.

  • El cultivo es bastante sencillo en la mayoría de las especies con algunas excepciones que son muy delicadas. Crece bastante bien en sustratos comerciales para plantas suculentas.

  • Es un grupo diferente a coleccionar en comparación a los que hace décadas se coleccionan en el mundo. La colección destacará sobre otras en numerosas regiones del planeta.

Espero que muchos de ustedes se motiven tanto como yo lo hice. Cualquier dato sobre este grupo de plantas que deseen que profundice me pueden decir en los comentarios.

 3 years ago  

Do you only collect stapeliads or do you also have ceropegia, brachystelma and others?

I have some Ceropegias. but they are hard to come by around here.

 3 years ago  

I will have to see if I can send you seed

I'd love to. I would appreciate it very much

I have received seeds before by post. only they should not be declared to be seeds at the post office.

What species do you have seeds of?

 3 years ago (edited) 

No seeds right now but I have C sandersonii and radicans. I hope to get flowers soon. I had rendalii which seeded but I didn't tape the pods in time and it died after :( rendalii is endemic where I live so I grew it outside. Some growers that I know sometimes have seeds available

There are many species native to my country, some people grow ampliata in their gardens here.

excellent. I only have in my collection Ceropegia sandersonii and woddi.

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