Walk through the garden center.

Hi friends!


I often visit garden centers looking for new plants. I want to share with you photos of the assortment, as well as my purchases.

I usually go straight to the cactus and succulent department. After a fresh arrival of plants, you can catch interesting specimens.


This time I especially liked the stapelia, but I would like to get the species with larger flowers.


Over the past few years, the range of flower shops has expanded greatly and you can often find sedums, euphorbia, adromiscus and other species that were previously unavailable. :)


Gymnocalycium and Haworthia were my catch that day.


How often do you buy plants? :)


Cactuses - Inaccessible to touch (because of the needles) but endearing

you are right) the smallest thorns are the most dangerous :) I was captivated by the flowering of cacti, I am ready to endure endless injections)))

 3 years ago  

Whenever I see something I like that isn't overpriced 🌵🌵🌵
I must say that whoever sold you the Haworthia mislabelled it. That is not a maughanii but a truncata hybrid. It looks a bit like cv Lime Green

yes, in stores often the names do not coincide with reality) most often they just write on the labels "succulent mix") thank you