Pictured is my Euphorbia mammillaris variegata in bloom.
He hails from South Africa.
It reaches a height of about 20 cm and the thickness of its trunk is about 5 cm.
All Euphorbia produce a milky sap when the stems and leaves are broken or cut.
Therefore, you need to work with the plant with gloves to avoid possible burns.
But despite the toxic substances that its milky juice contains, it is used in folk medicine as an analgesic, laxative and antihelminthic, as well as for kidney diseases.
Euphorbia mammillaris variegata tolerates direct sunlight well.
In winter, the dormant period, it is better to keep it at a temperature of + 15-18 ° C.
With watering you need to be careful.
The photos I were taken with a Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70L tablet
И это кактус????
Euphorbia суккулент но не кактус.
суккулент с иголками? ;) ничего себе
ага.. в следующий раз ещё один с иголками выставлю.
сегодня фоткала его, фоткала а он никак не хочет красиво выглядеть :-)))
Wow! These look so strange and cute! 🙀😂🌺🍄🐈🐈
Thank you very much!
Oh! I wish mine would flower!
It will bloom, she will have no choice :-)
But I know how hard it is to wait!
Wow! That is so cool and cute at the same time. Great to see your post.