The Succulents, a Masterpiece of Nature.//Las Suculentas, una Obra Maestra de la Naturaleza.

Hello, hello, happy and splendid afternoon for all, I hope you are very well and are having a wonderful and productive day; on more than one occasion I have commented how much I like nature and although I do not have much knowledge in scientific names of plants, I often have many and take care of them, there is not an opportunity that goes unnoticed when obtaining a lovely plant, because It is very healthy for me to have them and take care of them, they transmit me an incomparable, powerful and magnificent tranquility.

Hola, hola, feliz y esplendorosa tarde para todos, espero se encuentren muy bien y estén teniendo un día maravilloso y productivo; en más de una ocasión he comentado lo mucho que me gusta la naturaleza y aunque no tengo mucho conocimiento en nombres científicos de plantas, a menudo suele tener muchas y cuidar de ellas, no hay una oportunidad que pase desapercibido al obtener una encantadora planta, pues resulta muy saludable para mi tenerlas y cuidarlas, ellas me transmiten una tranquilidad inigualable, poderosa y magnifica.


It is difficult to choose a specific plant that becomes my favorite, the truth is that I love them all and I simply adore them; Succulents, in particular, are a total masterpiece created by our mother nature, if we observe them in detail they are equivalent to a majesty or a perfect work of art, their colors, their shades, their sizes and the variety, they are incredible and beautiful.

Es difícil poder elegir una planta especifica que se convierta en mi favorita, la verdad todas me encantan y simplemente las adoro; las Suculentas, particularmente, son una total obra maestras creada por nuestra madre naturaleza, si las observamos detalladamente equivalen a una majestuosidad o una obra de arte perfecta, sus colores, sus matices, sus tamaños y la variedad, son increíbles y hermosas.


Honestly, I don't know their names but I do take care of them and I love having them, besides, they are always a nice gift to give to someone who, like me, takes care of them; Although these plants obviously require sunlight, it is important to place them in a place where the sun's rays only hit it for a few hours and not all day, since they are a bit fragile in very, very hot climates, it is essential to pay them the soil and keep them moist and hydrated, as they absorb a lot of water to stay healthy.

Honestamente, no se sus nombres pero si cuido de ellas y me fascina tenerlas, además, siempre son un lindo detalle para obsequiar a alguien que al igual que yo cuide de ellas; estas plantas aunque obviamente requieren de luz solar, es importante colocarlas en un lugar donde solo le peguen los rayos del sol por unas horas y no todo el día, ya que son un poco frágiles a los climas muy, muy calurosos, es indispensable abonarles la tierra y mantenerlas húmedas e hidratas, pues absorben mucha agua para mantenerse sanas.


The variety of Succulents is very high, all equally beautiful and charming; Mother nature captivates us with all the majesty that it is capable of providing us, we must value and care for each one of them to attract peace and tranquility to our being, do not forget that each life is important and necessary on our planet, cultivate life, cultivate green and live a healthy life.

La variedad de Suculentas es muy alta, todas igual de bellas y encantadoras; la madre naturaleza nos cautiva con toda la majestuosidad que es capaz de proporcionarnos, debemos valorar y cuidar cada una de ellas para atraer paz y tranquilidad a nuestro ser, no olvides que cada vida es importante y necesaria en nuestra planeta, cultiva vida, cultiva verde y vive una vida saludable.




 3 years ago  

Hola! Your plants look very healthy although you could slowly introduce them to a bit more sun, then they will be easier to identify. The last photo is Sedum palmeri, which will get red tips on its leaves with stronger light and the second last photo is Echeveria runyoni

Thank you for helping me with the names, for sure I will put them in the sun so that they are healthier, thank you.